How does float therapy help traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

How does float therapy help traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

How does float therapy help traumatic brain injury (TBI)? From headaches, neck pain, mood and sleep issues to concentration, focus and energy levels, float therapy is disruptive to the brain in a good way. Floating on a regular basis can shift an individual into a more productive, positive, active human with less pain and dysfunction. This case study is an excellent example for doctors, health care practitioners and the public to better understand the value of floating on a regular basis to help manage ongoing symptoms related to TBI and concussion.

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7 Habits of Highly Effective Floaters

7 Habits of Highly Effective Floaters

Not all floats are awesome. Especially if you are new to floating, there are sometimes unrealistic expectations, such as thinking every float will enable an out of body experience, or that you’ll have some life changing realization while in the tank. While it is true that it is uncommon to have a bad float and that you generally feel perceptibly uplifted in both body and mind, poor preparation can lead to excess mind chatter, inability to get comfortable or taking longer to get into that sought after theta brainwave state. It sounds funny to say that floating, even though you are doing nothing, takes practice. Developing a few simple habits can ensure better quality, more predictable floats.

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Float Therapy: Antidote to Anxiety

Float Therapy: Antidote to Anxiety

Float Therapy serves to get the body off the mind, as well as reducing so many other external stimuli, and in doing so, allows for a deep brain reset that results in less anxiety. Research in the world of floatation is supportive in demonstrating potent anti-anxiety effects. Floating is a drug-free, safe and effective choice for managing stress and anxiety in our culture of stress and anxiety.

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