The Float Zone

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Why Sensory Deprivation is Necessary When Mercury is Retrograde

No matter your astrological sign or horoscope predictions for the week, when Mercury is in retrograde, everyday life can become more complicated. Our daily activities and relationships are indirectly affected by lunar and other planetary cycles that influence the gravitational and other energies of the Earth. Mercury, the closest planet to the sun within our solar system, orbits the sun almost 4 times more than Earth. Thus, 3-4 times a year, depending on the relative locations of the planets - in this case Mercury and Earth, there are unexplained and puzzling situations that often arise. 

From an astrological perspective, Mercury is related to various forms of communication; listening, speaking, learning, reading, negotiating, selling, buying.*  It is during these times that we are more commonly misunderstood or miscommunicate. It is also precisely during these times that we can turn possible complications into positivity with the use of sensory deprivation.

Sensory deprivation, also commonly known as floating or restricted environmental stimulus therapy (“REST”), allows one the opportunity to pause, reflect and reset.  Floating effortlessly atop 10” of skin temperature water saturated with 1000 pounds of Epsom salt, the brain enters a Theta brainwave state, much like the state just before sleep.  It is the ultimate of relaxation. Anxiety and stress melt away and you remain calm and focused afterwards.  

This relaxed state of mind allows for creative thinking and a chance to pause and re-evaluate relationships, situations, and an opportunity to pay attention to areas of your life that have been neglected. Like the apparent retrograde motion of planet Mercury in a direction opposite to that of the Earth as observed from a particular vantage point,** sensory deprivation allows you to grasp that certain things in life are simply an illusion, or that what seems to be a negative can be a hidden opportunity.  

Often after floating, you realize that there is often a better way to express yourself or to make sense of your surroundings in a positive and productive way. Sensory deprivation is the perfect antidote during Mercury retrogrades. Find a way to float during the next one, which may be now.

For additional information or to contact the author, Dr. David Berv, please email

